Gully by Wilson Koewing

I’m standing on a cliff 
no, I’m standing in the gutter now. 
I’ve got a list of towns 
on a post-it that won’t stick. 
A briefcase and 3 hubcaps on 4 wheels. 
Steal money to buy things, 
gamblers placing bets on my death
but it’s not my time yet. 
I’m shooting men in dreams 
and waking up hoping to go to jail.
Buckets full of cigarette butts, 
keep ambition in a mason jar. 
I’m standing in a gully, 
no, I’m walking slow through forests now. 

Wilson Koewing is a writer from South Carolina. His work is forthcoming in X-R-A-Y, Maudlin House, Reservoir Road Literary Review, Literally Stories, Rejection Letters, Slippage Lit and Gargoyle.