Category Archives: Action

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Faculty audience and assistance at commencement

The College and President’s Office are both requesting that faculty consider assisting with commencement ceremonies by participating in the processions (i.e., just attending and sitting there). They are also requesting help as faculty Marshals, which basically just means sitting at the end of a row. We have some regalia in the department and others may be willing to share if faculty are interested but do not have attire. Please let me (or Kris Zomchek directly) know if you will be attending the ceremony, and especially if you are willing to serve as a Marshal.

Luxembourg opportunities for faculty

The annual call is open for proposals from faculty interested in a teaching appointment at the Miami University John E. Dolibois European Center (MUDEC) in Luxembourg for the 2020-21 academic year, and subsequent summer. From Erik Jensen, committee chair, and Dean Leterre:

We are pleased to invite proposals from qualified faculty interested in a teaching appointment at the Miami University John E. Dolibois European Center (MUDEC) in Luxembourg for the 2020-2021 academic year, and subsequent summer. MUDEC is one of the oldest and most well-established American study abroad programs. Since its inception in 1968, it has welcomed over 11,000 students from Miami and partner universities. The Center is housed in a beautifully renovated 15th-century château in Luxembourg’s third-largest city, Differdange, lying 17 miles southwest of Luxembourg City and in the heart of western Europe. Approximately 110 Miami students attend MUDEC each semester, living with host families and engaging in a rigorous curriculum that focuses on European studies. A smaller summer program has also been in place since 2008.

There are several options for teaching at MUDEC, and we invite you to take the first step in the process by submitting a one-page statement of interest. The due date for the statement of interest is Monday, April 22, 2019.

Interested faculty can see me for more information, Paul for personal experience, or Erik Jensen or Kerry Strader with the program.

Nominate outstanding undergrads for alumni board

At their recent meeting, the alumni board decided on recruiting two undergraduate student members. Eligible students should have received an email, but you are also encouraged to reach out to your talented research assistants, etc. Erika Minnick (B.A. ’11) is organizing a selection process for the board, and writes:

The Psychology Alumni Board is looking for a rising Junior (graduating in ‘21) and a rising Senior (graduating in ‘20) to join them as student representatives on the board for the 2019-2020 school year. This is a great opportunity to get involved in the Miami Psychology community and to connect with Alums. As an Alumni Board Student Liaison, your role would involve: Representing the voice of the Psychology Major Miami student to the Alumni Board meetings (2x per year – Sept/March); and providing feedback on proposed Alumni board areas of focus and events to ensure the board is best serving the Miami Psychology Majors.

Point your interested and eligible students to the application link, or to Erika or Vaishali for further questions. This is a great opportunity for any of our majors, especially if it can offer broader representation to the board.

Join the Diversity Interest Group

From Akanksha Das, who is organizing a new group with JJ Togans:

Based on feedback and interest we are going to be starting a “Diversity Interest Group” to facilitate conversations around diversity science, fostering an inclusive environment in our department, and/or anything else pertaining to diversity in the field of psychology.

If interested in joining, please take a look at the survey below to indicate your availability for an hour meeting on a biweekly basis. Please fill this out before Spring Break so we can identify a time for our first meeting for when we return!

Please help to Make It Miami 2019

The schedule for this year’s Make It Miami events is available and Ted Peters (CAS) is asking that those faculty interested please enter your names directly in this spreadsheet. These are usually held Fridays (two Mondays), 11:15 – 12:15, in Armstrong.

In addition, those interested in serving on other faculty panels through the Office of Admission  are asked to contact Ted Peters. These other panels are Junior Preview Days held on Saturdays (3/9, 4/6, 4/27) from 9:15 – 10:15.

Finally, if you are willing to allow prospective students to visit your classes to get a sense of how excellent we are as instructors, please enter your information in this spreadsheet (be sure it opens to the first tab, CAS).

NSF/NIH Graduate fellowships due

The deadlines for the October 25 NSF GRFP and the December 8 NRSA may have many graduate students thinking about these fellowships. Advisors and grad students should know that the department will support students who submit proposals with a $100 submission incentive fund, as well as commitments for reasonable project expenses for proposed research (which the awards often do not). Be sure to see me if you plan to submit for these awards–for statements of support and because I’d like to hear what you’re doing!

Important deadlines upcoming

There are several annual deadlines upcoming of which you should all be aware. Please plan ahead if you are considering pursuit of any of the following, and let me know of your intent as soon as possible.

Student Technology Fee (October 12 to CAS): This should also have appeared in your MyMiami, and more information can be found here. If you plan to submit a proposal for equipment, software, etc. from this annual competition, please notify me asap and plan to have it ready by October 5 to be prepared for the CAS deadline.

CFR grant proposals (October 19 to OARS): The University Senate Committee on Faculty Research (CFR) offers several funding programs for summer research, GA support, publication/presentation subsidies, etc. This deadline is particularly for the faculty research grants. Although applications are submitted directly to OARS, please let me know if you plan to submit and I can help advise (especially if you are requesting GA support).

Leave requests (November 1 to CAS): Any faculty who are considering taking a research leave next year (2019-20 AY) should let me know. This includes both one-semester (ARA) and year-long (FIL) leaves, including those from junior faculty who get an “automatic” leave but still must apply. Please have your applications to me at least a week in advance so that I can provide feedback and then provide the required ranking of applications to CAS. By the way, if you are contemplating a leave, you might want to take a look at the Cattell Sabbatical Fund which is a national competition for support to psychology faculty during leaves.


Provide input on the APA strategic plan

APA is seeking advice for the creation of a new strategic plan. From Mitch Prinstein, APA Board of Directors, via COGDOP:

APA is on the brink of HUGE potential changes. If you are a psychologist or psychology trainee (whether you are an APA member or not!), you MUST complete this very brief survey to make sure APA heads in the right direction!!

It’s really quick. PLEASE do it, and please forward it to others ASAP!